João Daniel Rassi - SiqueiraCastro
João Daniel Rassi
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João Daniel Rassi

João Daniel Rassi


Rua Tabapuã, 81 – 4º andar
04533-010 São Paulo – SP

+55 11 3704-9840
+55 11 3594-0900


• Compliance, integrity and corporate ethics programs
• Plea bargains
• Business crimes/White Collar Crimes
• Graduated from the Methodist University of Piracicaba (UNIMEP), in 1996
• Specialization in Criminal Law at the Salamanca University (USAL), Spain
• Master of Criminal Law from the University of São Paulo (USP)
• Doctor in Criminal Law from the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School
• Languages: Portuguese and English





• Member of the editorial board of Revista Brasileira de Ciências Criminais (RBCCRIM)
• Member of the editorial board of Revista Scientia Iuris of Londrina State University (UEL)
• Member of the Committee on Rights and Prerogatives of the Brazilian Bar Association, São Paulo State Chapter (OAB/SP)
• Member of the São Paulo Institute of Lawyers (IASP)
• Member of the Brazilian Institute of Criminal Sciences (IBCCRIM)








• More than 20 years of experience in criminal litigation and consultation, with renowned boutique law firms in São Paulo before joining Siqueira Castro Advogados
• Coordination of the Business Crime Sector of Siqueira Castro Advogados for over 8 years, working with themes such as environmental, tax, financial/capital market, intellectual property, antitrust and consumer law crimes, besides protection against corporate fraud and compliance programs)
• Currently is a visiting professor in the Graduate Program in Economic Criminal Law at Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the Superior School of Law (ESA)







• Elected by Análise Advocacia as one of the most respected lawyers in Brazil in the area Criminal Law
• Elected by Análise Advocacia one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by companies in the following industry sectors: Sugar and Alcohol, Water and Sanitation, Communication, Construction and Engineering, Education, Electronics, Electric Power, Pharmaceutical, Pension Funds, Machinery and Equipment, Mining and Steel, Oil and Gás, Chemical and Petrochemical, Health, Specialized Services, Technology, Telecommunication, Transport and Logistics
• Elected by Lacca Approved as one of the best lawyers in the Anti-Corruption & Compliance
• Elected by The Legal 500 Latin America one of the best lawyers in Brazil in the area of Dispute Resolution
• Elected by Chambers Latin America as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in the area of Criminal Law
• Elected by Leaders League as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in the area of White-Collar Crime
• Elected by Who’s Who Legal as one of the the best lawyers in Brazil in the area of Criminal Law
• Elected by GIR (Global Investigations Review) among the top 100 lawyers in the world in the area of compliance, investigation/deterrence of corruption and white collar crime
• Elected by Expert Guides one of the best lawyers in Brazil in White Collar Crime
• Co-author of the book “Crimes contra a dignidade sexual” [Crimes Against Sexual Dignity] (Editora Atlas)
• Co-author of the book “Lei de drogas anotada – Lei n. 11.343/2006” [The Law on Drugs – Law no. 11.343/2006, with reference notes] (Editora Saraiva)
• Co-author of the book “Interpretação constitucional: o direito penal constitucionalmente conformado” [Constitutional interpretation: the constitutionally molded criminal law] (Conceito Editorial)
• Co-author of the book “Interpretação constitucional: o direito penal constitucionalmente conformado” [Constitutional interpretation: the constitutionally molded criminal law] (Conceito Editorial)
• Co-author of the book “Questões polêmicas atinentes ao novo procedimento do Tribunal do Júri – Homicídio crime rei” [Controversial issues pertaining to the new Jury Trial – Homicide capital crime]- (Editora Quartier Latin)
• Co-author of the book “Tráfico internacional de pessoas e o Tribunal Penal Internacional“ [International People Trafficking and the International Criminal Court] (Editora Quartier Latin)
• Co-author of the book “Administração Pública na Acepção Orgânica e o Conceito Penal de Funcionário Público – Contributo para o Estudo do Art. 327 do Código Penal Brasileiro” [Public Administration in the Organic Meaning and the Criminal Concept of the Civil Servant – Contribution to the Study of Art. 327 of the Brazilian Criminal Code] Editora Quartier Latin)
• Co-author of the article  Decreto Estadual Anticorrupção contém inconstitucionalidade, with Vicente Greco Filho
• Author of several articles published in newspapers and journals