Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro - SiqueiraCastro
Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro
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Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro

Carlos Roberto Siqueira Castro


Praça Pio X, 15 – 3º andar
20040-020 Rio de Janeiro – RJ

+55 11 2223-8818


• Compliance, integrity and corporate ethics programs
• Strategic litigation and arbitration
• Constitutional law and governmental relations
• Plea bargains
• Administrative, regulatory, infrastructure law and PPPs
• Public law
• Oil and gas
• Privatizations and concessions
• Electric power sector
• Transportation
• Graduated from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), in 1972
• Master of Law (LL.M.) from the University of Michigan, USA
• Doctor of Public Law from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)
• Formed by mediator from Centre de Médiation et d’ Arbitrage de Paris – CMAP
• Program on Negotiation e Advanced Mediation Workshop: Mediating Complex Disputies of Harvard Law School
• Languages: Portuguese, English, French and Spanish
• Federal Board Member of the Brazilian Bar Association
• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association
• Member of the Brazilian Lawyers’ Institute
• Member of the Brazilian Constitutional Law Institute
• Member of the Brazilian Association of Democratic Constitutionalists
• Member of the American Bar Association
• Member of the State of São Paulo Lawyers’ Association
• Member of the national committee on international relations of the Federal Council of the
Brazilian Bar Association

• Member of the board of directors of the India-Brazil Chamber of Commerce




• Honorary lifetime member of the Firm’s Executive Committee
• Sub-Attorney General of the Republic, retired
• Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)
• Full Professor of Constitutional Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

• Visiting professor at the Panthéon-Assas Paris II University Law School, France
• Former visiting professor at the University of Montpellier Law School, France
• Former visiting professor at the Harvard Law School, USA
• Former government and administration secretary for the State of Rio de Janeiro
• Former government secretary for the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro
• Former head prosecutor for the Office of the Regional Attorney General of the State of Rio de Janeiro
• Former chairman of the Legal Committee for the American Chamber of Commerce in Brazil (Rio de Janeiro Chapter)
• Invited participant at conferences sponsored by the School of Law of University of Lisbon
• Chairman of the advisory board of the Russia-Brazil Chamber of Commerce
• Elected by Chambers Latin America as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in the areas of Aviation and Dispute Resolution: Litigation
• Elected by Chambers Global as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in the areas of Aviation and Dispute Resolution: Litigation (Brazil)
• Elected by Análise Advocacia as one of the most respected lawyers in Brazil in the areas of Civil Law and Infrastructure/Regulatory Law
• Elected by Análise Advocacia one of the most admired lawyers in Brazil by companies in the following industry sectors: Sugar and Alcohol, Food and Beverage, Automotive, Banks, Communication, Construction and Engineering, Education, Electronics, Electric Power, Financial, Pension Funds, Machinery and Equipment, Oil and Gas, Specialized Services and Telecommunication
• Elected by The Legal 500 Latin America one of the best lawyers in Brazil in the areas of Dispute Resolution, Public Law, Energy and natural resources – Electricity and Energy and natural resources – Mining
• Elected by Who’s Who Legal as one of the the best lawyers in Brazil in the area of Litigation
• Elected by Leaders League as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in the areas of Civil & Commercial Litigation and Arbitration
• Recommended by IFLR Energy and Infrastruture – IFLR 1000, as one of the best lawyers in Brazil in the areas of Energy and Infrastruture
• Elected by IFLR Energy & Infrastructure as one of the best Brazilian lawyers
• Elected by GIR (Global Investigations Review) among the top 100 lawyers in the world in the area of compliance, investigation/deterrence of corruption and white collar crime
• Elected by Benchmark Litigation Latin America as one of the best Brazilian lawyers in General Commercial
• Author of the book “Direito Constitucional e Regulatório – Ensaios e Pareceres” [Constitutional and Regulatory Law – Essays and Reports] (Editora Renovar)
• Author of the book “A Constituição Aberta e os Direitos Fundamentais” [The Open Constitution and Fundamental Rights] (Editora Forense)
• Author of the book “O Devido Processo Legal e os Princípios da Razoabilidade e da
Proporcionalidade” [Due Legal Process and the principles of Reasonableness and Proportionality] (Editora Forense)

• Author of the book “O Congresso e as Delegações Legislativas” [The Congress and Legislative Bodies] (Editora Forense)
• Author of the book “O Princípio da Isonomia a Igualdade da Mulher no Direito Constitucional” [The Equity Principle and Female Equality according to Constitutional Law] (Editora Forense)
• Co-Author of the book “Ações Afirmativas: A questão das Cotas” [Affirmative Action: the issue of quotas] (Editora Impetus)
• Author of several articles on law published in Brazil and abroad, in the field of Constitutional, Administrative, Regulatory and Commercial Law