Alexandre dos Santos Wider - SiqueiraCastro
Alexandre Wider
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Alexandre dos Santos Wider

Alexandre Wider


Praça Pio X, 15 – 3º andar
20040-020 Rio de Janeiro – RJ

+55 21 2223-8818


• Communications and telecommunications
• Strategic litigation and arbitration
• Civil law and contracts
• Economic and competition law
• Law Degree from Santa Úrsula University Law School
• Postgraduate Specialization in Business Law from IBMEC
• LL.M. in Business Law from the University of Lisbon, Portugal
• Languages: Portuguese and English






• Member of the Brazilian Bar Association








• More than 20 years of experience in business litigation
• Worked as an international associate at Cremades Calvo-Sotelo, Siqueira Castro & Nobre Guedes – ACE
• Former board member of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter







• Pedro Ernesto Medal of Merit from the Rio de Janeiro Municipal Council









• “Guarda Municipal do Rio de Janeiro e a Fiscalização do Trânsito” [“Rio de Janeiro Municipal Guard and Supervision of Traffic”]. Gazeta Mercantil newspaper, Rio de Janeiro, December 18, 2003, p. 2.
• “A Gratuidade nos Transportes Coletivos Urbanos”. [“Free Passage on Urban Mass Transit”]. Gazeta Mercantil, Rio de Janeiro, January 22, 2004, p. 2.
• “O Conteúdo de Protecção do Direito de Autor” [“The Content of Copyright Protection”], Lisbon : [s.n.]. 2008, 2009. SIBUL – University of Lisbon.
• “Comentários ao artigo 58º, nº 1, B), do Código das Sociedades Comerciais” [“Comments on Article 58, no. 1, b, of the Code of Commercial Companies”], Lisbon : [s.n.]. 2008, 2009. SIBUL – University of Lisbon.
• “Comentários ao documento de reflexão da Direcção Geral de Concorrência da Comissão Europeia sobre a aplicação do artigo 82º do Tratado da União Europeia a práticas abusivas de exclusão”. [“Comments on the document for reflection on the Directorate-General for Competition of the European Commission about application of article 82 of the European Union Treaty to abusive practices of foreclosure”]. Lisbon [s.n.]. 2008, 2009. SIBUL – University of Lisbon.
• “Solução para os precatórios deve considerar decisões judiciais”.[“Solution for judicial payment warrants must consider judicial decisions”]. Consultor Jurídico, São Paulo, October 8, 2009.
• “As isenções legitimadoras dos comportamentos de exclusão por parte de empresas em posição dominante”. [“The exemptions legitimizing market foreclosure behavior by companies in dominant positions”], Lisbon: [s.n.], 2010. – LL.M. thesis in business law, School of Law, University of Lisbon, 2012.
• “Seguro Garantia poderá ser utilizado na Execução Fiscal”. [“Guarantee insurance can be used in tax collection suits”]. Migalhas, Rio de Janeiro, December 2, 2014.